I was surprised, honored, and pleased to find out I had been Awarded the Liebster Award this last week. So generously awarded to me from http://myviavon.blogspot.com
Please visit her blog and become a follower as it is a wonderful blog and I love it. Thanks Von. As a fellow artist and recent mixed media convert as I am myself I enjoy her blog tremendously.
I wasn't exactly sure what the Liebster Award was so I did some research and found out that the award is a Pay it Forward Award awarded to blogs that have fewer than 200 followers. The award is designed to bring attention to those blogs who may not have the following that some of the larger blogs do. What a wonderful idea. The idea is to thank the person publicly who nominated me, link to her blog, and Pay it Forward to 5 blogs that I enjoy.
It was now my job as the recipeint to link to 5 blogs that I follow and enjoy. I had to give this serious thought as there are so many wonderful blogs that I follow that do not have very many followers. I came up with the following list and hope that you will all take a look at these blogs and become a follower of mine as well as of theirs. I will admit that I took my time accomplishing this as I wanted to make sure that I was listing those blogs that I follow, enjoy, and want to help promote.
Blogging can be a lonely job at times when there are few comments and followers don't feel comfortable following publicly which I understand completely. Consequently this is a wonderful surprise and honor and I am delighted to have been granted this award and know that my blogging work is enjoyed. Thanks again to Von for her compliment to me and taking the time to help promote my blog.
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