Back again with the Deco Art Glass Paint Markers! I know I have discussed the virtues of these markers in the past but I am once again going to express how easy they are to use! This is my last set which will be used as Christmas gifts.
My husband watched me doodle on these the other night and was amazed that I just sit down without a plan and doodle on the glass. I guess I've done enough of these that I'm pretty confident that I can just go with the flow. I've tried to repeat the patterns from some of the previous designs but never seem to be able to duplicate them, I guess that is the beauty of hand-made. LOL. I hope you will give the markers a try, even if you have to order them directly from Deco Art I really feel that they are worth the time and money invested. Merry Christmas.

You can see in these photos I've used the markers on a few ornaments as well as the porcelain dishes. The two flat ornaments in the front and the round one toward the back were all purchased at Michael's. I preferred the round one to the flat, just a personal preference but will keep that in mind for next year. In fact am planning to try my hand at doodling on colored glass ornaments which I have an abundance of. I will keep you posted how they turn out. That could be a wonderful surface to try this technique on.
My very favorite dish is the round one to the left of this photo, I just love how I integrated the colored markers into the piece, I felt the color set off the design. I may have to keep that one for myself.
For some reason this has been an extremely popular series of blog posts, I don't really know if it is because you are all interested in using the markers or you just like the idea of doodling on porcelain. I'd love to hear what you like about this series of blog posts.
I have a glass Patron bottle which I have been saving for the right project and may try my hand at doodling on it. HMMMM.....
I'd love to hear what it is that has intrigued you all about this series of blog posts.